Projects: Renewable heat

Legal Investigation for the Union of Water Boards

Water managers who pioneer with new energy sources often encounter legal bottlenecks. In addition to the existing investigation of Berenschot, the Union of Water Boards (Unie van Waterschappen) has conducted an inventory of legal issues. The results are bundled and shared so that water boards can learn from each other. At the end of 2019,

Haagse Aardwarmte Leyweg: Delivery of geothermal heat

Haagse Aardwarmte Leyweg (HAL) is a company founded for the (re)development and long-term management of the geothermal doublet and the associated above-ground geothermal installation at the Leyweg in The Hague. The shareholders of HAL are Hydreco Geomec, Perpetuum Energy Partners and the Energy Fund The Hague. The project at the Leyweg aims to produce geothermal

WarmCO₂: Re-use of residual heat and CO₂

WarmCO₂ is an innovative project in the Province of Zeeland that uses residual heat and CO₂ for environmentally-friendly and sustainable greenhouse horticulture at Biopark Terneuzen. Thanks to WarmCO₂, horticulturists have cheap, environmentally friendly heat and pure CO₂. In this way they save up to 90 percent on their natural gas consumption. WarmCO₂ offers horticulturists the


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