Jeroen supports RenewabLAW from his one man business Stey Legal
with regards to the research project that RenewabLAW is working on for the Union of Water Boards.
Jeroen also works as a (junior) lawyer at Statkraft.
Jeroen holds a master’s degree in Law from the Tilburg University. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in that direction from the same university.
During his master he researched so called ‘scarce rights’ with regards to the development of wind and solar parks. These research conclusions have been presented to the Dutch Ministry of Economic and Internal Affairs, the grid controller Enexis, the province of Noord-Brabant and employees of various municipalities. A few weeks after the project was completed, one of his research conclusions was confirmed by the court of Arnhem: the grid operator is not bound by the “first come, first serve principle”. European Want to know more about Jeroen Stehouwer?
View his experience on his Linkedin profile.